
La Città dei Bambini e dei Ragazzi makes available some visit support tools that use Augmentative Alternative Communication (AAC) strategies, for visitors with cognitive and/or communication needs :

- the social guide , a visual story with highly readable photos and texts, downloadable and consultable before the visit to familiarize yourself with the structure, prevent difficulties due to sensory barriers and lower the stress brought by the approach to a new place

- cards with basic symbols to increase the possibilities of interaction and expression, which you can always carry with you during the visit to make requests and express needs and emotions.

- the storyboards of the rooms dedicated to the 5 senses, with the explanation of the contents of each area in symbols.

The sheets and storyboards are available free of charge, upon request, at the reception of the facility and the staff will be available for any need.

It is recommended to book your kit by writing a few days in advance of the date of the visit to

School groups and associations are invited to report the request for material when booking their visit to our booking office - tour operator C-WAY ( )

The material was created as part of the Accessible Culture project, promoted in the two-year period 2021-2023 by the Cooperativa Solidarietà e Lavoro as leader with the collaboration of 6 international partners.
The project is aimed at developing an approach that aims to offer an alternative way of communicating to those who, in addition to being excluded from verbal communication, also have more or less severe cognitive deficits.
For information:

The participation of La Città dei Bambini e dei Ragazzi in the project is part of the broader path of attention and social inclusion of Costa Edutainment, the structure's management company, which historically relies on the support of social cooperatives for many services within the managed structures .
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